
On the way to a fuel-free future: Carbotech sets up first e-fueling station


The change in individual mobility and the increased use of hybrid and e-vehicles means that in December 2020 an e-fueling station will be set up for the first time on the CarboTech premises at Elisenstraße in Essen. This free charging service will be available exclusively for customer and company vehicles.

“As long as you are visiting us – and provided the pillar is available – customers and employees can fuel their vehicles free of charge. This way, nothing stands in the way of an emission-free ride home or to your next business meeting”, Stefan Zanders, Head of Finance and Administration at CarboTech explains.

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The e-fueling station will soon be located at the righthand side in front of the company building in the larger of the two parking lots. It will also be shown separately on the new signage of the entire site.

By the way: Due to organizational and legal requirements, it is unfortunately not possible for other third parties, e.g. other residents, to use the station.

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