
Product forms of
activated carbons

Product forms of activated carbons

CarboTech is one of the world’s leading suppliers of activated carbon in the following product forms: powdered, granulated, and extruded. These are also the three most important product forms of activated carbon.

Activated Carbon Pallets
CarboTech is one of the world's leading suppliers of powdered, granulated and extruded activated carbon.
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Moulded in extruded form as cylindrical pellets, extruded activated carbon mostly consists of 1.5 mm to 4- or 5-millimeter sized pellets. The highly adsorptive as well as low-dust extruded activated carbons can be used in a very wide range of applications. With their high mechanical hardness, advantageous adsorption properties and good reactivability depending on the adsorbed substance, they are often used in air and gas purification and water treatment.

In addition, it is used for desulfurization of biogas, but also for adsorptive gas purification as well as gas drying. In addition to water applications (e.g., aquarists, wastewater treatment), extruded activated carbon is also used in soil remediation and for the recovery of solvents. Finally, it is used in processes in which a low-pressure drop is required during flow.


granulierte Aktivkohlen

Granular activated carbon consists of irregularly shaped particles, depending on the screening in sizes between 0.2 and up to a few millimeters. The fine- to medium-grained granulated carbons are activated from the base material directly or after an agglomeration step. Activated carbon granules are mainly used for water treatment. A high density as well as level of activity has a positive effect on their operating or service life.

The higher the density, the longer the service life. Granulated activated carbon can be produced directly via the intermediate steps of carbonization (coking) and activation. However, it can also be produced from a pulverized raw material as a re-agglomerate. Granulated activated carbon in very small particle sizes are used especially in large-scale processes.


Grinded activated Carbon

Powdered activated carbons, also known as PAC is a form of product containing small particles of activated carbon with a particle size between 50 (in other grinding processes also 0.1) and up to 200 µm. They are produced by crushing and very fine grinding of activated carbon. Grain sizes in the range of a few micrometers are common. Thanks to their porous structure, powdered activated carbons achieve very high specific surface areas.

In addition to drinking water treatment, exhaust air treatment and in the food industry, this product can be especially used for flue gas cleaning. It can be used particularly well to remove micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals, hormones, biocides and much more by attaching them to the powdered activated carbon.


In addition to extruded and granulated activated carbons, we also offer our customers upon request the milling of activated carbon. This gives you the advantage that we can produce an optimum mixture of different types of activated carbon. With these product mixtures, we optimally combine the separation and filtration properties for your specific application. To this end, we select the right product for you from the entire spectrum of activated carbon types and activation methods in order to solve your problem in the best possible way.


In the long term, we would like to switch our portfolio from PAC to GAC wherever this is possible. The latter can be thermally reactivated after operating or service life. Its multiple use in repetitive operating cycles (e.g., 4th purification stage in sewage treatment plants to eliminate trace substances from wastewater) makes it more sustainable product.


Renewable raw materials

We have been using renewable raw materials such as coconut and wood to produce our activated carbons for many years. We are continuously working to develop further sources of raw materials in this area. Our goal, for example, is to increase their proportion to 80 percent over the next few years.


CarboTech offers you the right activated carbon for every need. With the activated carbon configurator, you can quickly find what you are looking for from our large selection of products, product forms and fields of application – without spending time searching through catalogs. All you need to do is enter a few application parameters. If you send us these online, our sales staff will get back to you as soon as possible. You will also receive a product proposal with which you can calculate and plan.

Activated carbon configurator

Decades of experience
From consulting (product selection) and production to logistical handling (bags, BigBags, etc.) and sustainable reactivation or thermal recycling.
mobile plug & clean sytsems
Our "Plug & Clean" system:
The convenient, flexible and fast solution for almost any application, when own filter systems or their expansion are not an option
If only special know-how and/or additional materials can help, we refine our activated carbons according to your requirements and grind them into powdered carbons with defined particle sizes and corresponding properties.
CarboTech Laboratory services
Laboratory services:
On one hand, we test the loading capacity of the activated carbons, i.e. how far the activated carbons are already "loaded". On the other hand, we determine here what the coals are loaded with.
Packaging Service
Packaging Service:
Individually tailored packaging solutions in different sizes with efficient and well experienced logistics.
Do you have any questions about our products or would you like advice on your application? We will help you!