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Carbotech group wins tender from Berliner Wasserbetriebe

Heyst GmbH

Essen-based activated carbon manufacturer to supply up to 750 tons of Pak C 875 SR product to German capital over next three years

Essen (ok) – Great success for the CarboTech Group from Essen, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of activated carbon: In a Europe-wide invitation to tender issued by Berliner Wasserbetriebe, the group of companies prevailed over its competitors and will therefore from now on supply up to 750 tons of powdered activated carbon for surface treatment in the German capital.

The Essen-based CarboTech Group was recently awarded a contract for the “call-off contract for powdered activated carbon”: Berliner Wasserbetriebe, the water supply and wastewater disposal company for Berlin and thus the industry leader, was looking for an activated carbon supplier for a surface water treatment plant in Berlin-Tegel. The CarboTech Group was able to prevail against a large number of competitors and will now begin supplying the Berlin company with up to 750 tons of the product CarboTech PAK C 875 SR over the next three years. Some of the treated water from the Havel and Lake Tegel seeps into the groundwater from which Berlin obtains its drinking water.

Carbotech group wins tender from Berliner Wasserbetriebe
© shutterstock

As early as next week, the first delivery of powdered activated carbon from the CarboTech warehouse in Essen is expected to make its way to the Berliner Wasserbetriebe. The challenge there is to adsorptively bind the trace substances soluble in water in the low concentration range. “This is no problem for our CarboTech PAK C 875 SR – it has a pronounced mesoporous structure and still achieves a sufficiently high loading. This means that our powdered activated carbon easily meets the strict requirements of the German Drinking Water Ordinance – and ensures clean water on behalf of Berliner Wasserbetriebe,” says Daniel Böke, Managing Director of CarboTech AC GmbH, confidently.

“We were very pleased to win the tender from Berliner Wasserbetriebe,” adds Böke. “However, we were not surprised by the success, because: The requirements in the field of water treatment are high and our high-quality PAK C 875 SR activated carbon is ideally suited for use in this sensitive environment,” he continues. The globally unique fluidized bed process of the Essen-based activated carbon manufacturer ensures a high longevity and large loading capacity of the CarboTech products, he added: “Our production method ensures a larger inner surface area for our activated carbon than for comparable products, making it extraordinarily effective and profitable.”

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